Monday, November 24, 2014

Weekly Tip #8

Why it is Important to Treat Yourself on Your Vacation

We all know how expensive a Disney trip can be. There are ways to save money, but even with the savings Disney is not a trip everyone can take once a year and for some people it is a once in a lifetime trip. So it is understandable why you would want to keep costs down where you can and that includes dining. If you have a room with a kitchenette or a full size kitchen it makes it a little easier to prepare food in your room. You can also bring food into the parks, so that way dining out is kept to a minimum, or just go to the quick service restaurants. It's great to save money while you are in Disney, if you can have fun and still not spend a lot of money while you are in Disney it almost feels like you got one over on Disney. 

Now with all of that said, I would definitely recommend planning for at least one signature dining experience in Disney, if you can. Cooking for yourself and using quick service dining is great and it certainly does help you to save money, but putting aside a savings for an evening at a signature dining restaurant is worth the experience. It definitely was worth it for us. I have heard that some of the signature dining restaurants have had a reduction in the quality of food due to the dining plan, but that was not our experience at California Grill

The Contemporary Resort 
(Where California Grill is located)

Everyone in the party absolutely loved California Grill and that includes the kids! They do have a kids menu with offerings that the kids will enjoy and all the kids in our party loved the pizza the each ordered off the kids menu. As for the adults in the party, we all thought the food was delicious! Whether it was steak, seafood, or pasta, everyone was very pleased with their meals. We were so pleased, we have decided to add California Grill to our reservation list for the next trip. My husband and two of our friends each had a scotch that they enjoyed, this was their dessert and they were not disappointed. I can say that the martinis are very good as well! For dessert I, as well as our friend Jay, ordered the Sundae Sampler and it was delicious. It's going to be hard for me to try another dessert the next time we go. 

The Sundae Sampler from California Grill

Not only was the food delicious, but the service at California Grill was fantastic and the restaurant itself was beautiful. The view the Magic Kingdom made the dining experience even more magical, for both the kids and adults! The best part was watching the fireworks from their observation deck. That was an amazing night for all of us. For more information on California Grill you can see my review here.

The view of Magic Kingdom from our table.

Fireworks from the Observation Deck

While we really enjoyed our signature dining experience, I know there are other people who have been disappointed in some of the other signature dining restaurants. One that I have been wanting to try, but have not because of such negative reviews is Le Cellier Steakhouse located in the Canada pavilion in Epcot. My husband works with someone who says this is a must-do restaurant, but I have read so many negative reviews and that is what is holding me back. However, you don't know what the person who is giving the review is like, so you have to take everything with a grain of salt. The main thing I hear about Le Cellier is that the quality has gone down hill since the dining plan was put into place. I am thinking that since this would be our first experience here then we wouldn't know what we are missing. Le Cellier has been put on the "maybe" list for a date night for me and my husband. It is good to do some research on the restaurants that you are thinking of trying, but just remember that everyone's opinion is different and your experience might not be the same as the person who gave the review. 

Another reason to experience a signature dining restaurant is that it is a good reason to have a date night, if you brought the kids with you. We didn't do date nights during the last trip, but when we started planning the next trip with our friends that was one of the first things we all discussed and agreed it would be a good idea. So, we are going to have alternating date nights. Plus, that helps to save on paying babysitters. 

There are definitely reasons to put a little extra aside, if you can, and try a signature dining experience. Make sure to read some reviews before you make your selection, but also remember that your dining experience and opinions will probably be different than a lot of the reviewers. It's hard to make a reservation somewhere that doesn't get stellar reviews, especially if you are spending a lot of money on dinner. I would have a few to choose from before you do your research, so that way you have backups if your first choice does not get good reviews. TripAdvisor is always a good place to start and you can see pictures from other people's visits to go along with the reviews. If you are interested in dining at California Grill you can see other reviews and pictures on TripAdvisor

We found the extra cost to be worth the dining experience. If you are looking for a reason to have an adults only night, the signature dining experiences are a good reason to have a date night. Go ahead and enjoy!

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Wilderness Explorers in Animal Kingdom

If you have been to Animal Kingdom with little kids, chances are you have see the Wilderness Explorers stops throughout the park. If not, then you have probably seen some cast members dressed as a Wilderness Explorer and wondered why they are dressed like that. It is a great, free, activity that they offer throughout the whole park. My daughter and her friends had a lot of fun doing this on our Animal Kingdom day. She actually still loves flipping through the handbook, which is why it looks a little worn.

You should be able to get a Wilderness Explorers Handbook at the Wilderness Explorers headquarters (on the bridge between the Oasis and Discovery Island). The cast member will explain how it works, but it is pretty straight forward. The handbook has all the directions for what needs to be done to receive each badge. Once you have your handbook, it's time to get started!

The first thing you will want to do is fill out the membership card on the first page. Just fill in your child's name to pledge that they will uphold the Wilderness Explorers Motto "A Wilderness Explorer is a friend to all, be it plants or fish or tiny mole." So cute! Now your child is an official Wilderness Explorer, so it's time to explore!

There is no certain pattern that you need to follow to get the badges, whenever you see a Wilderness Explorers sign you can stop and earn a badge. If you are at Animal Kingdom specifically to get all the badges then I would take a look at the map in the beginning of the handbook and figure out where you want to start.

The map at the beginning of the handbook with
all of the Wilderness Explorer stops.

The Wilderness Explorers challenges are easy to spot along the park. There will be a sign with a picture of the badge awarded at that spot. The handbook will have the directions you need in order to be awarded a badge at each stop. Once you have completed the steps the cast member will give you the badge to stick on the correct page. The kids had so much fun collecting the badges!

Each badge page has a certain spot for the badges
to be placed once you have earned them.

Not only is this fun, but it gives the kids information about endangered species, conservation, and more. So the kids get to learn a little something while they are having fun. Disney knows how to make learning fun. Each page will have information about the badge to be earned and will include some educational information about the subject that the badge is for.  For instance, one of the badges is a Tiger Badge and on that page it explains that tigers are endangered because of the loss of their habitat. There is a code word that the kids have to find and the code word is one of the main causes of the loss of the habitat for the tigers. It brings awareness to both children and adults in a fun way, but still gets the importance of the point across.

The Tiger Badge raises awareness 
about the endangered animal.
The Animal Call Badge teaches kids how
 animals communicate with each other.

The African Culture Badge encourages kids to learn 
about other countries and cultures.
The Ham Radio Badge teaches kids how to 
receive a message on a ham radio.

The Birding Badge teaches kids how to identify birds.
The Tracking Badge teaches kids how animals can
be tracked in the wild.

I love that this program encourages the kids to learn and if you have a competitive child they will most likely have to finish all the badges in the book (there are 31 badges total). Think of all the great things they will learn by earning all those badges! My daughter and her friends definitely took away a lot of new things they learned from earning their badges and they are excited to go back and earn more! To be honest, I'm excited to do this program again too! It's interesting, fun, and the cast members are awesome. All the cast members that we encountered during our time exploring were so helpful, informative, and fun! I think we are going to set aside one day just to do this program. You can easily spend a day going around to earn all the badges and I think it would make for a pretty fun day!

This is the ranking page. If you get
all the badges then you are a Senior
Wilderness Explorer.

Another page from the handbook
that encourages kids to explore history.

Here is a video I found on Youtube giving you a Wilderness Explorer tip. There are five videos in total and they are all pretty funny. This is lesson #1:

So if you are looking for something fun and different to do during your Animal Kingdom day, I definitely recommend this program. It is so much fun and the kids love it! Plus, they get to learn some new things while they explore. Disney is big on helping animals and conservation, this is a great way for them to raise awareness. The handbook has a link on the ranking page, Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund. We had a blast helping the kids earn their badges and we will definitely do some more exploring on our next Animal Kingdom visit.

Thanks for reading!

Liz ⁰O⁰

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Cooking the Disney Way: Cobblestone Cheese Bread

I am really loving this cookbook! Last night I made the Cobblestone Cheese Bread to go along with a lasagna. The bread recipe is from the Yacht Club Galley, which is now the Captain's Grille. I have not been to Captain's Grille, so I cannot say if they are still making this bread, but I'm hoping we can check it out on our next trip. I am having a lot of fun with the recipes in this book, so I definitely recommend picking one up if you are in the market for a Disney cookbook.

This is what the cover looks like.
(In case you want to buy it)

For legal reasons I cannot actually post the recipe for you, it being copyrighted material and all. However, I can show you pictures of the finished product, give you some tips if you do make the bread, and let you know how it went over with my family.

The copyright info in the front of the book.
(I know a lot of people don't pay attention to this,
but I don't want to be on the receiving end of 
Disney's legal team ;-) )

Now, on to the recipe review! I have not made bread that much, but I found this recipe to be pretty easy to make. As with any bread, there is some waiting time because you have to let the bread rise. So make sure to start early enough in the day if you want to have the bread ready for dinner. We didn't have any bread flour, so I just used regular all-purpose flour and that worked out fine. With the holidays coming up, I might end up with some bread flour and I can try making it again. One other tip, I would get a block of cheese and grate it yourself, rather than buying cheese already shredded. I think it works better for the recipe if you use freshly grated cheese.

This bread was a huge hit at dinner, with the family asking for extra helpings of the bread. I really enjoyed it as well. There are some cheese breads, especially breads with Asiago cheese, that I find to be a little overpowering, but this is not the case with the Cobblestone Cheese Bread. You can definitely taste the cheese in the bread, but it compliments the bread and does not overpower it. For once, I actually timed everything right and the bread was done when the lasagna was ready, so we were able to have nice warm bread with dinner. The butter melted perfectly on the bread and it tasted delicious!

Top View

Side View


I will definitely be making this bread again! The recipe makes two loaves, so you are covered for a little while. There is nothing like fresh homemade bread and since this bread recipe is so simple, you can make it as often as you like. If you are looking for a good and hearty bread, I definitely recommend the Cobblestone Cheese Bread from the Yacht Club Galley (now Captain's Grille)! Happy Disney baking!

Thanks for reading!

Liz ⁰O⁰

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Mickey!! You Look Fabulous for 86!!

Today is Mickey Mouse's 86th birthday. He has come a long way since his beginnings as Steamboat Willie. People still love that mouse! We will spend thousands of dollars to visit Disney World and see this special mouse.

It is amazing to go into any Disney Store or any store on Disney property and see how much Mickey merchandise there is. Mickey is a serious money maker! Between the toys, video games, movies, home decor, he has made Disney millions. The Mickey icon is probably one of the most well-known icons around. You see the shape of a mouse head and you automatically think "Mickey!" Who knew people could be so in love with a rodent! I know we had a lot of Mickey stuff growing up and it has, of course, grown the more obsessed with Disney I have become.

He's on a cookbook.

He's on mugs.

He's a muffin pan
(Or Rice Krispies Treats in this case)

He's a remote control car.

I have my Mickey tea kettle that I love. It is understated, but when you look closely at the design you can see there are hidden Mickey's on it. Another kettle that the Disney Store sells has the reds and yellows in the design and people love that one too. I love having Mickey in my house.

My Mickey Mouse tea kettle.

The other style available.
(Image from

Some Mickey things I have inherited are a couple of old school Mickey Mouse magnets and a Mickey sugar and creamer set. The Mickey magnets were my aunt's who passed away in 2001. She collected magnets when she traveled (she traveled a lot) and I was given her magnet collection. Looking through it I found these two fun Mickey magnets. She loved Disney and I think that might be how my obsession started :-) The sugar and creamer set I inherited from my grandmother. I had actually given the set to her as a gift after my 2007 trip and after she passed away in 2009 my mother said I should have it. Now whenever I have tea and use the set, I think of her and smile.

The old school Mickey magnets I inherited. 

My grandmother's sugar and creamer set.

I also have an old version of Disney Trivial Pursuit cards. The questions just go through the 80's, so it is definitely old school. There are a lot of fun questions in there and I think I'm going to try to break out the Trivial Pursuit board to play this version soon!

My old school Disney Trivial Pursuit
with Mickey on the cover.

Then of course there are all of the Mickey ears. I like to try to get a new set of ears every time we go to the parks. There are so many to choose from and so many fun designs, so it's hard to pick only one! Plus, you have your choice of a hat or headbands. My kids each have their own pair of ears, but I think my daughter is finally out growing the ones we bought her when she was 6 months old. I'm sad that she's growing so fast, but happy she'll get to pick out her own ears next time! It's like a right of passage to pick out your own pair of Mickey ears :-)

My son's first pair of ears.

My daughter's first pair of ears.

My ear headbands.

My son's first birthday hat

I used to work at The Disney Store (back when Disney didn't actually own the stores) and we were each given a Mickey ears pin. I don't do the pin trading thing right now, but I love my Mickey ears pin. It's sparkly, fun, and very Disney! 

My first Disney pin!

I could go on and on about all the fun Mickey things there are to buy. Your choices are endless and I love that! There is no doubt that my Disney collection will continue to grow with Mickey items and other Disney character items, as well. It's so much fun!

Feel free to share pictures of your Mickey themed items in the comments or in the Main Street Wishes Facebook group. We are a fun group of people over there ;-)

Happy Birthday Mickey! You are still the Big Cheese after all of these years!

Thanks for reading!

Liz ⁰O⁰

Monday, November 17, 2014

Weekly Tip #7

The Stroller Debate

First of all, if you have little ones in strollers and you are hesitating taking a trip to Disney...don't. If you can afford it and you want to go, by all means start planning! I don't understand when people say "Why would you take them when they are small, they won't remember it." So, does that mean you shouldn't take any trips with kids, because they won't remember it? So what if they don't remember it, they will have a blast when they are there, and isn't that kind of the point? My daughter was 6 months on her first trip, 2 years on our second trip, and she will be 4 the next time we go. My son was just about 4 months on his first trip and will be 2 on his next trip. It's all about the memories and the fun experiences on the trip. So, don't listen to the naysayers!

Now, once you have decided to plan your vacation you also have to start thinking about what kind of stroller you want to bring. Some people bring their own, some people rent from the park or from a stroller rental company (there are many by the parks), and some will go out and buy an umbrella stroller to bring. We wanted an umbrella stroller anyway, so we bought one that reclines and used that in the parks. The last time we were in Disney we needed two strollers and we used two umbrella strollers that reclined. For us, this was the best option and I will tell you why.

If you are staying Disney property and you plan on using Disney transportation, particularly the buses, I would definitely go with an umbrella stroller that reclines. Those buses can get so cramped, especially if there is a scooter or two on the bus, so the smaller the stroller the better. Both of our kids fell asleep with no problem in the strollers, because they reclined. If you have a child that needs to nap, but you aren't planning on going back to your resort for a nap time, then definitely get one that reclines. It might be a little bigger than a regular umbrella stroller, but it won't be as big as some of the beast strollers we've seen in the parks, especially the double strollers. The double strollers take up so much room on the buses and they are bulky and awkward to carry on and off the bus, not to mention you will most likely end up bumping a lot of people with them.

The boats and the monorail cars allow you to keep the stroller open when you are riding those modes of transportation. So, you don't have to worry about folding it up, but again, if you have a gigantic stroller it is going to make it an uncomfortable ride for you and those around you.

Keep in mind too that there are some people (both kids and adults) that legitimately need to have a wheelchair or a scooter. So it also helps situations where you have a wheelchair or scooter on the same bus as you. The smaller strollers will fold up more compact and leave more room for people and you will be less likely to bump people with your stroller.

Another bonus to the smaller stroller is that they are easier to maneuver through the parks. The big strollers can be hard to get through the crowds, especially if you are in the stores, and you are again more likely to bump someone with those huge strollers. I know people feel like others should watch out for strollers, because there are kids in them, and I agree, but it does go both ways. I think some people expect people to just jump out of the way when they see a stroller coming and that's not how it works. Those of us with strollers have to be respectful to others, as well, and to their heels. 

If you want to see one of the parades or you end up in an area that is having a parade in the parks then it is easier to maneuver through those crowds with a smaller stroller. It's hard enough getting around in big parade crowds with a small stroller, so I can't imagine how it would be if you had a big stroller. The odds of running over someone's foot or hand (if they are sitting down for the parade) significantly increases.

There is usually a big crowd for parades.

Maneuvering a stroller can be a little difficult in 
parade crowds.

Time is also a factor when considering a big or small stroller. Do you like to stay for the fireworks in the Magic Kingdom or do you like to make a mad dash for the front of the park so you don't get caught in the after fireworks crowd. We have been caught in that crowd, so right now (while the kids are small) we are in the mad dash group and it is much easier to make your way to the front of the park in a good amount of time with a smaller stroller. We were able to weave in and out of the the crowd with our smaller strollers and made it to the front of the park before the fireworks started. Nothing like being in Storybook Circus and realizing that your wait time to get back to the hotel will be significantly increased if you don't make it to the buses ASAP. We made it though and we saw some of the fireworks on the bus ride back to the hotel :-)

When Main Street USA is packed for the fireworks,
there can be a lot of weaving in between people to 
get out of the park before the fireworks are over.

Something that makes it a little easier to have a stroller (big or small) in the parks is using the stroller parking, available around all of the parks. If you have never been to Disney and you plan on going with a stroller, look for the stroller parking. There are areas (other than the rides) that you cannot bring a stroller in, like The Land Pavilion in Epcot, so the stroller parking is useful to have. A warning though, cast members will often rearrange or move strollers to different locations. So, if you come back looking for your stroller and don't see it, don't freak out right away. You can either ask a cast member or just look around, you will find your stroller. That's actually a good reason to put some kind of identifying mark on your stroller. If it gets moved you will be able to find it pretty fast and if you have a smaller stroller it will also be easier to  get your stroller out of the sea of strollers.

Stroller parking is available in multiple locations
at each of the parks.

So, if you have to bring a stroller or strollers to the park, I would definitely recommend a reclining umbrella stroller. If you need a double stroller, you might want to look into two reclining umbrella strollers (as long, of course, as you have another adult to help you push one). It will help make the trips on Disney transportation and your time using the stroller in the parks a little easier. People are going to do what they want, of course, but my two cents is that the smaller strollers will help to relieve a little of the stress and anxiety that can come from having the really big strollers in the parks. Definitely don't put off your trip just because you have to bring a stroller, but think about what will be easiest and less stressful for you. The last thing you want is for a stroller to be something that ruins a day in Disney.

Thanks for reading!

Liz ⁰O⁰

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Ice Palace: Attempt #1

By now I'm sure you have heard about the Ice Palace that is in select malls around the country. It is there to promote a new Frozen Sing-Along DVD, to be released on November 18. The closest one to us is at The West Farms Mall in West Hartford Connecticut and by close I mean an hour away. We decided to make the trip anyway, because it sounded like fun and friends were going to meet us there to experience it as well.

Reading the description that West Farms has on it's website I think I was expecting a little more. Here is part of the description from their website:

"The highest-grossing animated film of all time, “Frozen” will take center stage in the spectacular, interactive Ice Palace, where you can sing “Let it Go” just like Elsa, or one of many other songs from the Nov. 18 DVD release. You’ll also see special scenes from the Academy Award® winning movie, create a “Frozen” handprint, take a photo with Olaf on his ice throne, measure up against the “Are You as Tall as Sven and Olaf?” feature, and more"

The description makes it sound like a lot of fun, but honestly I cannot tell you from firsthand experience. The reason for that is...we bailed. Why did we bail? Well, because there was a four hour wait. That's right, the wait was the same amount of time people were waiting to see Anna and Elsa in Disney World not too long ago. The only problem was that at the end of this line there were no characters to meet. 

Look to the left in the picture. 
That is only part of the line!

The line weaved and wrapped around
many times. This is only a small section.

We had three kids in line with us, ages 3, 4, and 7. The 7 year old might have been okay waiting that long, but we could not see the 3 and 4 year old holding out. These are the kids that were great in Disney lines, but it just didn't seem worth a four hour wait to basically see an advertisement for a DVD. 

I think their biggest problem was that it didn't seem like they were regulating how much time people spent in the Ice Palace. I don't know how you could regulate the time. Our group had a discussion over dinner about this. What we came up with was some kind of system with buzzers or texts, so that you don't have to stand in line for four hours with little kids. Too bad they can't implement a FastPass system like Disney has ;-) Seriously though, we were in line for maybe 20 minutes and there were quite a few kids crying and melting down. It is pretty unreasonable to expect a little one to wait that long and not have a meltdown, but it's meant for it's too bad they don't have a better system.

To the left is the area with the ice hand print,
the measuring wall to measure against Olaf 
and Sven, and some snow globes with characters.

In the middle is where you can leave
an ice hand print and compare your
hand print to Olaf and Sven's.

Here is a close-up of where
you can compare your
ice hand print.

This is where kids could measure
up against Sven and Olaf.

Santa was there to take pictures and the kids could have their pictures taken in the ice throne, so that might have been another reason for the ridiculously long wait. Speaking of the ice throne, that was something else that we were a little disappointed in. On the website it says you can have your picture taken with Olaf on his ice throne. While the ice throne was pretty cool, the Olaf you could have your picture taken with was actually two plush Olafs...and not the big plush. Then there were signs asking you not to use your personal camera. So you can't have a picture of your child in the throne unless you are willing to shell out some money. I called the mall this morning to ask for price package information and I was told that that the packages start at about $20 and go up to about $49.

This is the ice throne where you 
can have your picture taken with Olaf.
The ice thrown is cool (pun intended),
but the Olaf portion is a little disappointing.

After you were done with all the Frozen
fun, Santa was there to take pictures.

The dome is where the falling snow was and that looked pretty cool, but the only other thing in the dome were televisions that were playing advertisements for the Frozen Sing-Along DVD  (I was told from someone who waited 3 hours to get in). 

 I'm sorry to sound so negative. You know I love my Disney, but I feel like they missed the mark on this one. I understand it is pretty much just a big advertisement for the Frozen Sing-Along DVD, but the way it was marketed made it sound like there was going to be a little more to it. Especially with the ice throne (that part really disappointed me. I was expecting a statue of Olaf or something to be on the throne with the kids). When the Disney name is attached to it I think more is expected and that might be where the problem was for me. The gift shop didn't even look that great, just kind of thrown together. When I hear gift shop, I think gift shop...this wasn't a gift shop. 

If you look through the doorway, you
can see one of the television screens
playing an advertisement for the DVD.

On the plus side, the line did pass by some food locations. So make sure to bring some cash, if you get hungry you can always flag down a passerby and ask them to grab you some food or coffee. Standard delivery tipping would apply.

If you live close by, I would definitely go to check it out. It is really pretty, especially with all of the Christmas decorations around. If you don't live close then I would try to go during the week and go early. During the week I heard the wait times were around 45 minutes. That we can do! Four hours we can't do, it's just not reasonable. I'm glad I got to see it though, even if we didn't go in. It really is pretty. 

So, if you can't make it during the week I wouldn't go. It is just going to get crazier the closer we get to Christmas, especially since Santa is part of the event. If you go during the week then the line shouldn't be that long. I might try again with the kids sometime during the week. I'll post an update if we decide to give it a second attempt. 

Again, it's very pretty to look at and if you are only waiting 45 minutes or so it would be fine. If the wait is that much longer you can take some pictures of your kids with the palace in the background and then take them to the Disney store. That's what we did when we bailed from the line. We brought the kids up to the Disney store and they loved that! I was happy to be in the Disney store too, it makes you feel a little closer to the parks :-)

One point I really want to stress is that no matter how long the line is, please don't be nasty to the mall personnel. I know it can be frustrating waiting in long lines with kids, but no one is forcing anyone to wait in the lines. As disappointed as I was with the wait time and some of the aspects of the Ice Palace, it was not their fault. I've been on the other end, working in retail, and it can be very difficult to work with the public. They are just doing their job and didn't have anything to do with the set up or the way the line is handled. So, please be respectful to them if you go to see the palace. Their job is not easy and the nicer you are to them the smoother everything will go. Just a little PSA from me to you ;-) 

Thanks for reading!

Liz ⁰O⁰