Saturday, October 25, 2014

It's Time to Say Goodbye to the Hat

You know the hat I'm talking about. The huge hat that has been in the middle of MGM/Hollywood studios for the past 13 years.

The Sorcerer's Hat was originally constructed for Walt's 100th birthday in 2001 and was meant to be a temporary fixture in the park. Temporary turned to pretty permanent after it hadn't been removed after a few years. Pretty soon it became the icon to represent the movie focused theme park.

Though it was there to represent Walt's 100th birthday, not all were pleased with the addition. For over a decade, guests were able to walk into the park and look down Hollywood Blvd. to Grauman's Chinese Theatre (which houses The Great Movie Ride), but the construction of the hat changed all that. Now the view down Hollywood Blvd. was the hat that completely blocked the theatre, angering many people. If you look at a map of Hollywood Studios you can see how it does appear to just be kind of plopped down in front of the attraction.

It seems those who are not fond of the hat have gotten their wish. Disney has announced that the hat will come down in 2015. They are going to wait until the busy holiday season has passed before they start putting the walls up. I have not seen an official date, but I'm sure something will be announced the closer we get to the new year.

I have only been to the park once without the hat and I think it is kind of cool. I do wish they were able to put it in a better spot than right in front of a popular attraction. Maybe if it had been in a different spot there would not have been so much hatred for the hat.

I will be sad to see it go, but I am excited for all the other plans that have been rumored for Hollywood Studios. The Star Wars Expansion, an additional track for Toy Story Mania, and there have even been rumors about a Cars Land (though I think this one will remain just a rumor). It's always fun to see what Disney will do with open space. 

So, it is time to tip your hat to the hat (too cheesy?). I know it was heavily hated in it's time at the park, but there were still some that enjoyed seeing it on every trip. I wish I could make one last trip to see it before it comes down. If you are sad about the hat coming down, just remember Disney has some other plans in store for Hollywood Studios. I'm sure whatever they have planned is going to be fun and will help to ease the pain of the missing hat. ;-)

Thanks for reading!

Liz ⁰O⁰

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