Sunday, October 26, 2014

Tinker Bell Pumpkin Carving

We did it! We carved Tinker Bell into one of our pumpkins! The process was not easy by any means, but our daughter is very happy with the results. My husband and I are glad she is happy with it, but next time we will probably do things a little different.

If you like the Tinker Bell carving and want to use it for your pumpkin, the website with the pattern used for the pumpkin is here. The first time we printed it out, it was a little small for our pumpkin, but you can scan it with your printer and just enlarge the size to what would be right for your pumpkin. Once you have it printed out, you can tape it onto the pumpkin and start poking an outline.

It can be a little difficult to 
get all the details. Just do 
the best you can.

This is what it will look like when
you are done with the outline. 

Next comes the carving. Now instead of cutting all the way through, we just took off the top layers so that the light will just glow through a thin skin of the pumpkin. For this task we used the Dremel with the smallest bit. They do have a pumpkin carving kit for the Dremel and I think for future pumpkin carving we might invest in one.

As you are carving the pumpkin, make sure you have a lot of paper towels around. You will need the paper towels to wipe away the wet pieces of pumpkin both off the pumpkin (so you can see what you are doing) and also off the table and floor (depending on the speed you set the Dremel to). Make sure to steady the tool with both hands, because it will help you keep a steady hand to carve.

One thing I would change for next time is that for the smaller and more intricate details I would use a small carving knife. The Dremel was great, but it was very hard to get the details of her face and hands with it and I think doing it manually with a little pumpkin carving knife would help with carving those details.

Starting the carving process.

Carving out one of the wings.

Be careful, pumpkin pieces will go flying!

Once you have carved/shaved out the silhouette of Tinker Bell, you can go back and finish any details that you think need to be neatened up. Also, I would make another swipe with the paper towels to make sure it is clear of all mushy and loose pumpkin pieces. Once that is done you can start on the pixie dust :-)

The pixie dust is very easy to do. First, draw an outline on the pumpkin of how you want the pixie dust to look. After you have your outline you are ready to make some pixie dust! For this we used the Dremel again. You can alternate between a small bit and a larger bit to have different sizes. Make sure you do a lot of it. My first round of pixie dust was too sparse and when we put the lights in the pumpkin it didn't give off the pixie dust feel. So, don't be shy, poke a lot of holes for the pixie dust. It looks cool when it is all lit up! 

If you are using lights (like we did) instead of a candle, just carve out a little notch in the back where the cord can sit. This will help the cap stay on the pumpkin.

I took a bunch of pictures of it outside. Unfortunately, I don't think you get the full effect through the pictures, but you can get the idea. For a first try at this, and never having done anything like this before, I think we did a pretty good job. As my husband said, our pumpkin carving experience before this consisted mainly of triangle eyes, a triangle nose, and a standard pumpkin carving mouth...maybe with a tooth, if we were feeling fancy ;-)

So, here it is! She'll bring some magic to our Halloween this year!

What it looks like from farther away.

A "swoop" of pixie dust.

It's a little hard to see here, but we tried
making two little loops of pixie dust.

Again, it's hard to see, but there is some
pixie dust coming out of the wand.

Another view of the "swoop" of pixie dust.

Not going to lie, it wasn't easy to do. However, once it was time to put the lights in and see it outside, it was pretty cool. We know for next time to be careful with the little details, but we are pretty happy with how it came out. If you are looking for a different idea for your pumpkin, give this one a try! Bring a little magic to your Halloween too! :-)

Thanks for reading!

Liz ⁰O⁰

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